C++ Program To Implement String I


What Is String?

A string is a data type used in programming such as int, float, char, but it is used to represent text rather than numbers.

Sting in c++, string, string example, input string in c++, how to declare string in c++, how to print string in c++,c++ string examples, string in cpp

Here we will see programs to implement string and various predefined function used to simplify strings.

How to initialize string?


string str = "bybeastcoder";
cout << str;




string str;
cout << "Enter any string: ";
cin >> str;
cout << "Entered String is: " << str;


Enter any String: Work Hard
Entered String is: Work

In above program we entered "Work Hard" but it printed just "Work". So to get more than one word or to get a sentence we will use a predefined function "getline();"


string str;
cout << "Enter any String: ";
getline (cin,str);
cout << "Entered String is: "<< str;


Enter any String: Work Hard
Entered String is: Work Hard

How to add two strings?

There are two ways to add strings 1) using ' append() ' function and 2) using ' + ' operator.


  1. string s1 = "progr";
    string s2 = "amming";
    s1.append (s2);   //append function used to add two strings
    cout << "Sum of s1 and s2 is: " << s1;
  2. string s1 = "progr";
    string s2 = "amming";
    cout << s1 + s2;


  1. Sum of s1 and s2 is: programming
  2. programming

New Function is empty() & clear() :-

To check whether the string is empty or not we use a predefined function called ' empty() '. Here we will use one more function to clear the string called ' clear() '. So let's see how to implement it.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  string s = "C++ Programs";
  cout << s << endl;
    //if s.empty() gives '0' it means string is not empty
    //and if s.empty() gives '1' it means string is empty
  cout << s.empty () << endl;

  s.clear ();

  cout << s.empty () << endl;

  return 0;
C++ Programs

New Function is erase() and find() :-

What erase()  and find() function do? It erases n characters present in any string from the given index. And find() function finds the input characters and outputs starting index.(remember that indexing starts from zero)

string s = "fashion";

cout &tl;< s.find ("io") << endl;

s.erase (2, 3);	 //1st argument is index and 2nd is number of chars to be deleted

cout << s;
C++ Program To Implement String I C++ Program To Implement String I Reviewed by Beast Coder on March 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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